Far Away

Another poem coming your way, about a huge transition that happened in our lives few years ago , shifted from India to Canada, away from family, friends, uprooted the entire system and came here to start life from scratch. Grass is always greener on the other side, I understood this so well after shifting here 😀 it’s not easy at all each day is a hustle and it’s just not us, it’s every couple who is coming from India or any part of the world leaving all what they built with love back home to start something new, with dreams in their eyes hoping some day those dreams will become reality.

Please enjoy some emotional aspects about the country built over the years 🙂

A land far away , in the land that is majorly frozen,

A place where I never thought my dreams will be woven,

A place that was a strange land ,

But it came ahead with open arms and a helping hand!

A home away from home , created with love,

Away from family, but moulded with blessings from above!

A land with no sun in winters,

A place where even in spring there can be blizzards,

A country that is now somehow ours,

But why does it still not feel a part of our hearts?

With no one to be by my side if I am unwell,

With no maid to wash the dishes , that are not done yet.

A visit to a temple here,

Is a beautiful feeling to be clear.

Summers where are you come here !

Waiting to see the skies becoming clear.

Summing it up, still miss our home country, especially during festivals, as the fervour of those festivals in India is unmatched, still this is our place for now and I feel proud to see so many successful people from our place making it big in a North American country! Kudos .

Your Immigrant!


Photo courtesy- the big to do list

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