The King of Queens!

What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times?

Watching the same web show more than 5 times is actually a big deal, according to me, this means am so impressed with the concept that I would watch the old , watched shows again and again, instead of watching a new show. So this happened with me after I watched The King of Queens ( a comic web show) dealing with normal couple’s daily situations .

It is sometimes so relatable and funny at the same time, I enjoyed the way each episode had it’s own essence, every season had it’s own significance, if somedays even now I feel there’s nothing interesting on the net, I randomly watch any season’s episode and it instantly brings a smile .

This web series was made with emotions mixed with comic timings which makes it even more interesting!

For anyone who hasn’t watched this show yet, would highly recommend it.

Kevin James is love by the way in this show and Leah Remini certainly steals the show!

photo courtesy-TV Insider

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