A cat is what am meant to be!

Which animal would you compare yourself to and why?

I often feel if i wasn’t a human, which animal’s characteristics are similar to how I am today, that would be a cat! Yes , if I would have to compare myself with an animal that is a cat. The reason why I think this is right is, the anxiety and mood swings a cat has is quite similar to what I have faced a lot in life with different situations, also I find cats are least affected by who is around them and they enjoy me-time a lot, neither do they need their pet parent to walk them around unlike a pet dog. Which relates to my nature, where I like being alone and have that quiet space .

From many cat pet parents have got to know, that cats usually don’t express much love but they do roam around you and miss you if you aren’t at home, quite similar with me, I might not express every-time for my loved ones that they are special, but deep inside me I do love them dearly!

photo credit-lowes.ca

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